Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Maybe you know these little creatures, the Tasmanian devils. Bail ruling for suspects in murder of UR female student set for today. The pessimistic greetings and byes of yore have lost relevance. Rwanda is no longer the eat-self-to-the-death snake-hole it had become. When they were coined, they were all well-intentioned. And, in the not too distant past, those greetings were so perniciously pertinent for Rwandans. Who is trying to scuttle the peace talks?

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Urare aharyana by Dream Boys

Tortured in Uganda, Rwandan mother narrates how she was separated from her one-month old baby. And what I see evolving, the senior citizen that I am, is that myriad numbers of my seniors are increasingly alive and urzre at later ages. Citizens can leverage on technology to participate in governance — TI. Numbness and death have been exorcised from her system. First Lady Jeannette Kagame joins Saddleback community for mental health conversation.

Fear of missing out? Today, unshakable security, comprehensive healthcare, countrywide hygiene, healthy nutrition, improved household income, universal education, redirected mind-set, worldly outlook, shared focused-vision pursuit — mpere he, ngeze he?

Those of us still clinging to the past by force of habit, we are better advised to let go. All along, the infighting within the ruling clique was intense as they struggled to encase themselves around regional roots, dragging in their innocent peasant kith.

Then, from the bushes, July 4th emerged. Jihadists attack US Baledogle training base 1h. However, when you think of it, parochial humans, even with some reasoning power, urarre no different. Kina Music boss clears air amidst alleged theft and extramarital affair. Gashora girls design app to fight corruption. And sleep well, ugire ijoro ryiza. Twitter Facebook Email Whatsapp linkedin. France pays final respects to former president 7h.

The pessimistic greetings and byes of yore have lost relevance. So, I see 70 — 80 years, or else my seniors in towns and the countryside would be distant history.

(Music) | Urare aharyana by Dream Boys

The deprivation and deaths the whole kerfuffle left in its wake were inestimable. And thus the Genocide against the Tutsi sealed the ominous forecasts of those greetings. Yet how they reveal a lot about the lot of Rwandans, as they lived it. Call for regular check-up ahharyana Rwanda marks World Heart Day 7h. Spread of fake news violates Luanda agreement.

Last call, please! Anybody clinging to the greetings of yore, let go | The New Times | Rwanda

In spite of which all, hunger and strife ravaged ahayrana land. Bail ruling for aharynaa in murder of UR female student set for today 9h. The future for the surviving fittest was not certain, either. Those are all well-meaning greetings, after a restful or otherwise night or rigorous or otherwise day. Who is trying to scuttle the peace talks?

First Lady Jeannette Kagame joins Saddleback community for mental health conversation 7h. When you are sick, the greeting could easily hasten your expiry: So, dear reader, wherever you are, have you had a good night, waraye neza?

Bail ruling for suspects in murder of UR female student set for today. No doubt, the ominous ring to those uarre would scare the pants for trousers! Rwanda to bridge gender gap in private companies. Rwanda scraps over 1, colonial-era laws. I believe in what I observe to evolve.

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